kgc - Koeppen-Geiger Climatic Zones
Aids in identifying the Koeppen-Geiger (KG) climatic zone
for a given location. The Koeppen-Geiger climate zones were
first published in 1884, as a system to classify regions of the
earth by their relative heat and humidity through the year, for
the benefit of human health, plant and agriculture and other
human activity [1]. This climate zone classification system,
applicable to all of the earths surface, has continued to be
developed by scientists up to the present day. Recently one of
use (FZ) has published updated, higher accuracy KG climate zone
definitions [2]. In this package we use these updated
high-resolution maps as the data source [3]. We provide
functions that return the KG climate zone for a given longitude
and lattitude, or for a given United States zip code. In
addition the CZUncertainty() function will check climate zones
nearby to check if the given location is near a climate zone
boundary. In addition an interactive shiny app is provided to
define the KG climate zone for a given longitude and lattitude,
or United States zip code. Digital data, as well as animated
maps, showing the shift of the climate zones are provided on
the following website <>.
This work was supported by the DOE-EERE SunShot award
DE-EE-0007140. [1] W. Koeppen, (2011)
<doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2011/105>. [2] F. Rubel and M. Kottek,
(2010) <doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2010/0430>. [3] F. Rubel, K.
Brugger, K. Haslinger, and I. Auer, (2016)